If you’ve been wondering what supplies I’m using for my Rainbow Thread Blanket, you’ve come to the right place!
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0.75mm Clover Armour Hook: The Clover Armour hooks are a popular pick for a reason – they are comfortable and durable, even if you’re like me and hold your hook in a non-conventional way.
Embroidery Floss: I am using one strand of embroidery floss from this shop to create my pattern. I purchased multiple lots of the 50-color selection and I’m using 28 of those colors for this project.
Floss Bobbins: I use these plastic bobbins for winding my embroidery floss. My only complaint is that it takes forever for Sharpie to dry on them! And yes, I really did buy 1000 of them… in fact, I bought this listing twice to keep up with my embroidery floss habit!
Sewing Needle: You know you’re crocheting small when you have to use a regular sewing needle instead of a yarn needle! I have always loved Clover sewing needles and this pack gives you a few sizes, so you’re sure to have what’s right for your work’s tension.
And that’s it for now! When I finish the crochet portion of the blanket, I plan to purchase some fabric (probably from Joann) to back the blanket like a quilt. For now, though, I’m just using these supplies!